YOUR Overwhelm

Prioritize &

Building Your Framework for Success

Creating YOUR personal plan to conquer the task at hand, and to master your challenges in the future

Order out
of Chaos

Untangling Your Web to Identify the Parts

Identifying meaningful pieces, parts, and patterns masquerading as chaos, while gaining an understanding of the whole

Focus when Overwhelmed

Shifting your Perspective to Gain Clarity

Seeing at it all, but homing in to distinguishing what is important, and then filtering out the noise

Purpose over Reaction

Living Your Life Instead of Life Living You

Channeling your energy and efforts toward YOUR goals, rather than going through the motions of reacting to outside influences

About Vicki

Vicki Schneider, at Infinite Quests Life Strategies, gives people the tools to simplify and break down life’s challenges. Rather than solve a problem for someone, Vicki coaches clients in problem solving strategies, by giving them the tools and a framework to change their lives (beyond the issue at hand). Teaching people how to prioritize and organize their lives (even in times of chaos), by helping them create order, focus and purpose.

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Control Your Journey

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Complementary Discovery Session,
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